Meet Baby Girl Beaver

Beavers are an enduring symbol of Canada itself and are the most common rodent in the country. They are agile swimmers and incredible engineers, building impressive dams. 

These adorable creatures also have amazing family dynamics. They bond for life with their partner and live with their young kits until the offspring reach the age of two.  

But what happens when a young beaver loses its family? That’s exactly how this little guy ended up at Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation. Dehydrated and malnourished, he requires round-the-clock care if he’s going to have a chance at survival. this creates a unique opportunity for Katie, who agrees to take on the challenge. 

The two quickly form a bond but it can be incredibly difficult for a human to take the place of a beaver’s parents. Will this kit survive the harsh realities of growing up away from its natural habitat and return to the wild? Find out in season 2 of STAYING WILD.