Meet Badger Boy

Badger Boy is male juvenile badger cub that came to Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation in Season 1 of STAYING WILD with a very sad story. His mom had been hit and killed by a car and he stayed by her side for quite awhile before being rescued.

Hungry, scared and alone, this little guy needed some serious help. Although very cute, like all of his kind he could be very aggressive and had long claws to protect himself. He needed someone to finish the work his mom had started, but there was a limit to what his human caregivers could do and teach.

Are his natural instincts strong enough to trigger critical survival skills like hunting and digging? Watch Season 1 of STAYING WILD to find out!

This was the very first badger to find its way to LSWR and presented several unique challenges. Badgers are incredible burrowers which means housing them takes some creativity. They also pose serious risks to any humans involved in their care.

More info about wild badgers and what to do if you find one in trouble