Meet Barb The Owl

Barbed wire fences can present a significant danger to animals. When a Saskatchewan farmer found a great horned owl stuck on a fence, he brought it to Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation. When the owl, appropriately named Barb, goes under examination, the staff determines that not only is it injured, but there is a piece of the fence embedded in its wing. 

Removing the barb from Barb’s wing is just the first step in a long road to returning it to the wild. The wing must fully heal and in Barb’s case, she must prove to the staff that she can do all the things a great horned owl has to do to survive on its own. And that means flying.  

With piercing yellow eyes that are almost as large as a human’s, great horned owls are among the most majestic creatures that can be seen in the wild. Just as impressive are their sharp talons and beak, which make them even more challenging for the staff at the centre. 

Will Barb fully heal and relearn how to fly so she can be returned to her family? Find out in season 2 of STAYING WILD.