Meet Owlet 1 & Owlet 2

Owlet 1 & Owlet 2 are two baby great horned owl orphans who were starving and at great risk from the avian influenza outbreak (which may have killed their mom and dad) when they were brought to LSWR in Season 1 of STAYING WILD.

The fluffy little siblings were only 4 weeks old when they arrived at the centre, great horned owls too young to have horns. While they were alert and didn’t have any symptoms other than terrible malnourishment, the team was worried they might also have the avian flu that was sweeping bird communities of North America.

Owls are great parents who go above and beyond to take care of and feed their young even if there is only one of them to do the job. So it was very worrisome to see how malnourished these fluffballs were.

Sibling rivalry aside, does the fact these owlets have each other increase their chances of survival? Watch Season 1 of STAYING WILD to find out!

More info about wild raptors and what to do if you find one in trouble